A business division’s duties often involve the sale or closing of business segments, such as plants or offices. Business data from the respective ERP and Legacy systems must be separated and transferred to a new system in an appropriate and consistent manner. When, for example, divisions are spun off or shut down, the data from ERP must be removed and transferred to the new owner or insolvency administrator.


Our approach of clone-and-delete or accelerated implementation is able to significantly reduce project cost.


Whether your Merger and Acquisition’s (M&A) strategic goal is to re-invent your company, increase or protect your market share, access new markets, achieve economies of scale or snap up weaker competitors –quite often the acquiring organization will inherit heterogeneous financial systems, charts of accounts, and accounting processes with each new acquisition.


At Transformious we can help you depending on your IT and Financial Performance Strategy:


  1. We can quickly integrate the acquired business into your existing ERP, or
  2. We can bring together financial data from disparate sources to create a single, global view of financial information across the entire enterprise.